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About Us


Defined as the ‘New Silk Road' project of China, the 'Belt and Road' project aims to bring the east and the west closer. The project, which has developed rapidly, has required the need of qualified people who have business experience and have new ideas about Asia and Europe.


Our main team has been living in China for many years and have bachelor and postgraduate degrees in China. Most of our team  members can speak multi-languages fluently. We believe that we are the main building stone of the project.


Our initiative ‘EF GROUP’, aims to offer a service approach that brings these two poles closer more quickly and professionally by solving the problems between supply and demand in East and West.


Our initiative, which has aspired to the organization and marketing part of the ongoing projects, aims to offer a service approach that brings these two poles closer more quickly and professionally by solving the problems between supply and demand in Asia and Europe. 

Bringing together innovative manufacturers who are very successful in their field with regional marketing companies will accelerate the development process between the east and west and also it will cause development of world economy.


EF GROUP is one of a successful and innovative place where everyone can develop personally and professionally.Together, we focus less on hierarchy and more on what is important: teamwork, productivity and service.


  • Reliable and Long Term Business

  • Strengthening Friendship as well as business

  • Transparent Information Share

  • Win-Win Policy

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